But suddenly it's all changed
She's a cloud, that hangs about my world
And I find my self wondering in the rain
And now I can't go on ..
One of a Canadian singer, drummer, songwriter, also composer. He studied musical theory at McGill University, then went to Los Angeles where he signed with Herb Alpert's A&M Records for his first album in 1973. Nightwalker (1981) was his seventh studio album, with big International hits 'Living Inside My Self' and made it on the Billboard Top 40 at the same year. Lucky I still can hear this song with original singer in Java Jazz Fest just now. Now Gino and family live and work in Netherlands, removed from the media spotlight and become one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Allright then .. syalooomm

Setelah luntang-lantung di City of Angels nyaris 2 taon, Gino bersama sang abang Joe Vannelli (keyboardnist and manager) mulai putus asa dan ngepak koper untuk mudik ke Montreal. Di saat akhir, Gino nekat kembali ke Studio A & M Records untuk menawarkan demo rekamannya. Saat itu trumpetis Herb Alpert yg juga salah satu manajer perekam, sedang di tempat parkir akan pergi. Gino berlari dan meninggalkan kopernya, menerobos pihak keamanan lalu memohon kepada Alpert agar mendengarkan satu lagu saja. Alpert melihat kesungguhan, lalu mengajak ke studio dan Gino malah diminta nyanyi diiringi gitar sendiri, People Gotta Move.
He is breaking all the rules to journey to the heart
and soul of a musical inspiration, into the realm of jazz
and classical music and combining these arts with pop and
rock with his own spiritual findings a sound of his own.
and soul of a musical inspiration, into the realm of jazz
and classical music and combining these arts with pop and
rock with his own spiritual findings a sound of his own.

'Cause I'm lost, living inside my self
Living inside this shell, living outside your love
I'm lost, somewhere inside my whole dreams
Afraid of what life really means
Living without your love
Living inside this shell, living outside your love
I'm lost, somewhere inside my whole dreams
Afraid of what life really means
Living without your love

I was young, and time was on my side
But like a fool I let it slip away
And now .. those days are gone
Living Inside Myself bukanlah nada yg manis berikut lirik merayu. Penuh kejutan dramatis saat menuturkan refleksi nan perih, secara subjektif bagiku adalah introspeksi seseorang saat menghadapi tiap cobaan. Gino tipikal introvert, faktor yg menjadikannya jarang membuat pertunjukkan terutama promosi. Kehidupan pribadinya jauh dari bidikan sosialita, malah mendalami perkara religius. Maka bersama sekitar 4.000 penonton Plennary Hall di Java Jazz (Sabtu, 3/307), adalah kesempatan teramat langka. Hampir gak yakin saat melihat daftar artis yg akan tampil di ajang ini, Gino Vannelli yg seolah tinggal di planet lain akan muncul. Dapat dipastikan mayoritas yg berkumpul termasuk gw adalah para Adult yg paham benar situasi ini.
Maka mengalunlah lagi 'nada aneh' mulai sejak intro sampai meledak pada refrein Living Inside Myself, gw sempet ekstasi walau kuyakin gak sendirian. Kamera dan handycam tanpa henti menyala termasuk di samping, di depan, dan belakangku. Lagu yg diletakkan pada urutan tengah, dan sang maestro menyanyikannya sendiri 'in the flesh'. Kesan tak terhingga sampai tibalah encore dgn lagu yg telah merubah jalan hidupnya, People Gotta Move. Pertunjukkan inipun mewarnai hidupku.
In my life, I've felt my self assured
But, how all the seasons change
And now .. I'm not that strong
But, how all the seasons change
And now .. I'm not that strong
wualah ....suweneng saya bisa mbaca tulisan mas ini ….. pancen