There's too many of you crying
Brother, brother, brother ..
There's far too many of you dying
You know we've got to find a way
To bring some lovin' here today ..
The album was originally conceived as homage to Gaye's brother who had returned home from Vietnam in 1967. Marvin decided to perform a concept as a single entity in a sequence of nine songs or song cycle. What's Going On wasn't just the question of a baffled soldier returning home to a strange place, but a promise that listeners would be informed by what they heard about many issues. It's including urban decay, environmental issues, unemployment and poverty still grip many American communities. The themes are timeless, poverty and addiction. But Marvin infuse his personal messages in this songs about love and desire in a special way.
:Father, father ..
:We don't need to escalate
:You see, war is not the answer
:For only love can conquer hate
:You know we've got to find a way
:To bring some lovin' here today
:We don't need to escalate
:You see, war is not the answer
:For only love can conquer hate
:You know we've got to find a way
:To bring some lovin' here today
What's Going On adalah judul album kesebelas milik Marvin Gaye, sebuah album konsep dgn sembilan lagu yg bertutur. What's Going On juga merupakan judul lagu pembuka, yg dimulai dengan kisah amburadulnya dunia melalui kisah masif yakni perang (Vietnam). Dan dilanjutkan tentang keseharian yakni eksploitasi dunia anak (Save the Children), krisis lingkungan hidup (Mercy Mercy Me), kelaparan di kotanya (Inner City Blues). Album ini mempertanyakan sekaligus merangkum banyak isu relevan berdasarkan referensi bathin Marvin. Trauma perang dari Frankie, adik Marvin yg baru pulang dari Vietnam, sementara diapun sedang mengalami krisis rumah tangga diambang perceraian. Serta pasangan bernyanyinya jatuh sekarat dipelukannya di atas panggung, bagai mengorek kegagalannya saat ingin menjadi pemain football profesional. Segala musibah serta gugatan itu teramat membekas jadi luka bathin Marvin, untuk menggugat segala pertanyaan berupa What's Going On.

:Everybody thinks we're wrong
:But who are they to judge us
:Simply because our hair is long
:You know we've got to find a way
:To bring some understanding here today
Kekuatan Marvin melalui album ini telah menyempurnakan kapasitas vocalnya maupun kemampuan interpretasi lirik yg mendalam. Ia menggugat tanpa melukai pendengarnya, karena ia sedang mencurahkan musibah pribadinya. Ia bernyanyi tanpa bermaksud me-nina bobo-kan penggemarnya, karena mereka akan berfikir dgn beberapa pertanyaan. What's going on? Sehingga gak ada yg lebih tragis lagi, saat kesepian dan kebingungan berujung di puncak depresi senja karir. Marvin telah kehilangan istri, karirnya, harta, kemashuran, hingga berakhir pada puncak kemelut keluarga. Tepat di hari ulang tahunnya, pelatuk pistol dari tangan ayahnya sendiri telah menembuskan peluru ke batok kepala Marvin. So .. what the hell is going on then?
Picket lines and picket signs
Don't punish me with brutality
Talk to me, so you can see
What's going on ..
Ya what's going on
Tell me what's going on
I'll tell you what's going on
Don't punish me with brutality
Talk to me, so you can see
What's going on ..
Ya what's going on
Tell me what's going on
I'll tell you what's going on
Gak pernah tau penyanyi ini, asik tapi kok nasibnya tragis yo.
Trims sudah bikin mengenalnya.