Michael Franks With Crossfire - Live!
Posted: Selasa, 27 Juli 2010 by LAGUPEDIA in Label: michael franksAkhirnya .. gw dapet juga salah satu harta karun.
Winning bid: AU $31.00
Ended 18-Sep-05 18:03:47 AEST
Start time: 11-Sep-05 18:03:47 AEST
History: 9 bids (AU $16.45 starting bid)
Winning bidder: endyd123 ( 37)
Subtotal: AU $31.00
Postage and handling via Regular: AU $4.50
Postage insurance (not offered): --
Total: AU $35.50 (geeezzz)
Item title:
Item number: 4767721187
Starting bid: AU $16.45
Postage costs: AU $4.50 - Regular (Within Australia )
Item location: Melbourne, Victoria
Description: This cd is brand new!When Crossfire charted a self-titled album in 1975 their deft jazz-rock fusion set at odds with the glitter'n'glam and stadium rock of the day. By 1980 their reputation as one of Australia's most inventive musical outfits was further enhanced by another charting album, 'East Of Where'. Jim Kelly, Tony Buchanan, Michael J. Kenny, Ian Bloxsom, Phil Scorgie and Steve Hopes perfected a gestalt of fire and ice and were the logical choice to accompany jazz-singer-songwriter Michael Franks (with five US and two Australian hit albums, and a cult hit with Popsicle Toes), on an Australasian tour. The resulting album 'Michael Franks With Crossfire Live' was captured at the St James Tavern and the Capitol Theatre in Sydney, and at the Auckland Town Hall in September 1980. A rare vinyl item for more than twenty years, this unique and often exhilarating album has finally made it to CD.
1. Don't Be Blue (Live)
2. When The Cookie Jar Is Empty (Live)
3. The Lady Wants To Know (Live)
4. B'wana - He No Home (Live)
5. Chain Reaction (Live)
6. Antonio's Song (Live)
7. Monkey See-monkey Do (Live)Dipikir-pikir, hebat juga ya perekam underground ala pembajak dari Indonesia. Terutama label Yess (Bandung) yg bisa dapetin source dan nyetak rekaman langka kayak ginian since 80an. Dan kini selain jadi faktor langka, juga unsur kenangan dan .. emang mahal dolarnya.
It's rare... lucky you :)