Another Page Of Christopher Cross
Posted: Selasa, 27 Juli 2010 by LAGUPEDIA in Label: 80an, christopher cross
Beralih dari statistik yg coba memperkenalkan artis ini, kini menuju album keduanya yg berjudul Another Page (1983). For those who thought Cross was a one-album-wonder, album kedua ini lumayan sukses secara komersil walau gak seheboh album perdana. Serta buatku lumayan berkesan, karena disitu terdapat sebuah cerita. Jika boleh disebut sbg album konsep, ttg pengalaman pribadi milik seorang Christopher Cross. Maka album ini sekaligus kutulis personal buatnya terhadap fakta. Sementara kesan buatku, hmm .. album ini salah satu dari koleksi 10 CD pertamaku di awal 90an. So, apa saja kisahnya Cross? Pendekatan kutulis berdasarkan interpretasi lirik dari setiap lagu, walau gak semuanya, secara berurutan pada album ini.

Dibuka dgn lirik introspektif, Cross mengambil referensi melalui topik di surat kabar setempat. Sebagaimana pagi nan cerah, intro lagu berdentam riang. Cross pergi ke teras depan untuk ritual mengambil koran, hingga matanya terpaku pada sebuah artikel lokal. Khabar yg dikiranya hanya mimpi semalam dan terhapus saat pagi, namun fakta telah tertulis.
Well I read it in town in the melancholy news
The front page story is our love is through
The hand of time is cold ..
I can't stand to hear the truth
Somehow I won't believe it
'til I've heard it from you
The front page story is our love is through
The hand of time is cold ..
I can't stand to hear the truth
Somehow I won't believe it
'til I've heard it from you
Secara tersamar, Cross menyatakan kehilangannya, atas kepergian seseorang. Apa berkaitan dgn berita koran, serta siapa dan bagaimana?
But there's no time for talkAnd there's no place for tears
There's no reason to wonder
After all of these years
Sure we had some good times
And so who's to blame
It's so hard to tell ..
When we both feel the pain
Sebuah kepedihan yg gak kuasa diucapkan, serta gak ada yg bisa disalahkan. There's no reason to wonder, after all of these years. Pasti sebuah rasa kehilangan yg teramat menghunjam, telak, and there's no reason.
After the years have come and goneThe struggle to forget you will have just begun
We had our ups and downs but one thing's for sure
No one will ever love you more
02. 'Baby Says No' (6:04)
Lagu kedua berjalan dgn tempo cepat, namun tetap menyisipkan kesedihan. Cross berusaha mengalihkan perhatiannya kepada hal yg nyata, misalnya keyakinan bahwa 'Ia pergi untuk kembali lagi'. Walau fakta berkata lain, she can't go this soon.
Baby says no ..She can't let go this soon
Doesn't feel right, not tonight
Even though I gave her the stars and the moon
I really think I've got it bad this time around
03. 'What Am I Supposed To Believe' (4:22)
Beranjak dari lagu nomor dua, berikutnya kembali hanyut pada balada yg menyayat. Kegelisahan itu selalu menyeretnya kembali untuk tak kuasa melawan fakta, what am I supposed to believe. Ketika malam tiba, kenangan itu menghampiri untuk menyakiti.
What am I supposed to believeIs is that you really love me
Just you wait
You wait and see
I will be there to love you
Balad ini dilantunkan secara duet bareng Karla Bonoff, cukup membantu menelusuri kisah dalam bentuk narasi bergantian secara interaktif.
Oh it's hard ..So hard to live a life on your own
After you've known how it could be
With you and me ..
Won't you come home to me
You could make everything all right
You could warm me through the coldest night
And make it all right
04. 'Deal 'em Again' (3:10)
Masih juga belum jelas apa yg sebetulnya terjadi. Sementara Cross tetep muter2 untuk selalu mencoba untuk ingkar dari kenyataan sesungguhnya. Bahkan mencoba tawar menawar, selayaknya judi kehidupan.
It's a strange gameIt's a damn shame ..
But somebody's going to lose
It don't matter .. lose or win
You can deal 'em again
05. 'Think Of Laura' (3:22)
Every once in a while
I'd see her smile ..
And she'd turn my day around
Kelihatanya mulai terkuak, ada apa dan tentang siapa sebetulnya kisah ini. Ada satu nama yg telah jelas disebut.
Think of LauraBut laugh don't cry ..
I know she'd want it that way
Pada intro lagu yg menyebutkan sebuah nama, sengaja dgn efek vocoder sehingga berkesan 'menghantui' (haunted). Siapakah Laura?
A friend of a friendA friend to the end
That's the kind of girl she was
Taken away so young
Taken away without a warning
Menurut beberapa sumber terbatas, Christopher Cross pernah memiliki teman wanita bernama Laura. Sahabat sejak kecil di satu kompleks perumahan, gadis yg mekar bersama Cross, hingga tanpa mereka sadari telah lebih dari sekadar pertemanan biasa.
I know you and you're hereIn every day we live
I know her and she's here
I can feel her when I sing
Si Laura ini, taken away without warning
Si Laura ini .. I know you're here
Si Laura ini .. where are you now?
Di suatu malam, Cross mendapat khabar dari seorang kawan. Terjadi keributan di sekitar perumahannya, serta ada suara tembakan dari sebuah mobil yg melintasi kompleks. Sementara ada sebuah mobil lain sedang parkir, dimana duduk di bangku belakangnya seorang gadis. Saat mobil itu diperiksa, sang gadis terkena peluru nyasar. Ia tewas seketika, dan namanya Laura. Cross baru bisa terima fakta itu, saat beritanya muncul di koran pagi kemudian. Fakta bahwa ia telah kehilangan gadisnya.
Hey Laura, where are you nowAre you far away from here
I don't think so
I think you're here
Taking our tears away
06. 'All Right' (4:18)
Kesedihan gak mesti ditandai irama pelan, juga irama cepat gak lantas bermakna gembira. All Right, we all know it gets hard sometimes. You can give it one more try, to find another reason why. Lagu ini sempat menjadi singel hits serta wara-wiri di radio Bandung 80an. Cross adalah gitaris yg baik, namun ia membutuhkan solo Steve Lukather.
Time and time again I see
People so unsure like me
We all know it gets hard sometimes
You can give it one more try
Find another reason why
You should pick it up,
You should kick it up,
And try it again .. all right
07. 'Talking In My Sleep' (3:34)
Lagu ini selain kisah 'Think Of Laura', merupakan esensi dari album Another Page.
Talking in my sleep
She ain't gonna hear it
So my secrets have to keep
A little while longer
In my heart where they've been
For so long I can't remember
Days turn into weeks
Still she's not with me
Still my secrets have to keep
A little while longer
In my heart where they've been
For so long i can't remember
And I know that I'm just gonna be
Another page in love's history
Another page in your diary
In that old book of love
Love can cut you deep
It's there to remind you
And the memories make you weak
They whisper to you
From your heart where they've been
For so long you can't remember
Wake up, reach for her
She's not there, all I do is dream
Dream that she will come home soon, to me
08. 'Nature Of The Game' (3:55)
Kedatangan adalah kepergian, pertemuan untuk kematian kecil. Hakiki permainan dalam makna kehidupan. Gara2 judulnya, interpretasi lagu ini jadi sok puitis, if u know what I mean.
It's a fool's game, that I knowNothing but a broken heart to show
And I know I'll never change
It's the nature of the game
09. 'Long World' (3:32)
It's a long world we're living in
I've got to have her from beginning to end
It's long world we're living in
I just can't live without her
10. 'Words Of Wisdom' (5:52)
All the words of wisdom
Never seem to ease the pain
All the words of wisdom
Sound the same ..

Lines Up:
• christopher cross - vocals, guitar
• karla bonoff - vocals
• don henley - vocals
• art garfunkel - vocals
• michael mcdonald - vocals
• jay graydon - guitar
• steve lukather - guitar
• abraham laboriel - bass
• mike porcaro - bass
• steve gadd - drums
• jeff porcaro - drums
• tom scott - saxophone
• ernie watts - saxophone
• pauliho da costa - percussion
• michael omartian - synth, keyboards
• christopher cross - vocals, guitar
• karla bonoff - vocals
• don henley - vocals
• art garfunkel - vocals
• michael mcdonald - vocals
• jay graydon - guitar
• steve lukather - guitar
• abraham laboriel - bass
• mike porcaro - bass
• steve gadd - drums
• jeff porcaro - drums
• tom scott - saxophone
• ernie watts - saxophone
• pauliho da costa - percussion
• michael omartian - synth, keyboards
wah ini album emang berkesan banget!!!pertama kali kenal Christopher Cross waktu kelas 6 SD, kalo nggak salah waktu itu lagi ikut acara sekolah 'dharmawisata' rame2. pas tengah jalan ada yang muter video (kayaknya copy langsung dari TV.....masih pake pita VHS wkt itu)...awalnya tdk tertarik, maklum yang nyanyi jauh dari 'standar' ideal seorang musisi keren (jaman itu yang jadi patokan musisi keren adalah Duran2), eh....tidak lama...terasa kaki mulai ngetuk'2 lantai ngikutin irama lagu....n pas mulai tertarik, bait lagu nya pas 'all is on....'