just a heartbeat away from a man
who's learned to turn his head away
from the pain that drains the land
harlem's not too far from here,
you can smell the garbage, feel the fear
i hear they're gonna build a sky-scraper there,
as if we didn't need the extra air
Hidup dan mati di sebuah gang kecil, yg katanya jauh dari peradaban (modern) dimana manusia terbiasa dgn menolehkan mukanya terhadap penderitaan dan luka kumuh. Tapi cium bau sampah dan kenyataan hidup itu, dan kini, mereka tetap sambil menolehkan muka dan atas nama peradaban, kudengar mereka akan menggusur dan bikin menara canggih-modern lagi. Di sini, di tempat kumuh tak beradab, kata mereka. Serta merampas harta udara, lahan dan langit kami.
new york city blues,
in order to win, you gotta lose
old before your time,
the dirt and the grime, get into everything
and the papers love to say
it's the meanest town in the usa
but i think it's ok ..
it's the town i've made my home
old before your time,
the dirt and the grime, get into everything
and the papers love to say
it's the meanest town in the usa
but i think it's ok ..
it's the town i've made my home

Neil mulai gandrung musik dan baru bisa tidur sembari denger radio sejak usia 4 taon. Belajar piano 5 jam sehari saat 8 taon lantas Eleanor (ibunya, seorang pianist) membelikannya piano sendiri. Di umur 13 ia mulai coba mempublikasikan karyanya 'While I Dream' yg ketika 1956 menjadi salah satu rekamannya bersama kelompok 'Link Tones'. Neil mendapat beasiswa musik di Julliard School taon 1958 di New York sembari ngamen di klub 'Esther Manor'. Disitulah ia bertemu anak sipemilik klub, Leba Strassberg yg baru 16 taon. Namun ia merasa Leba bakal jadi istrinya, dimana Leba-pun jadi fans Neil dgn kalimat: 'Neil may not be the world's greatest songwriter, singer or performer, but nobody can do all three better!'
Di saat yg sama Neil menciptakan hits profesional pertamanya untuk Connie Francis, 'Stupid Cupid' disusul 'Where The Boys Are' yg juga menjadi filmnya Connie taon 1961. Hingga Neil memutuskan untuk menyanyikan sendiri karyanya setelah teken kontrak dgn RCA Records. Publik mulai mendengar dan menggemari lagu-lagunya The Diary, I Go Ape, Oh Carol (lagu buat penulis / penyanyi wanita dari Broklyin juga, Carole King yg lantas bikin balasan 'Oh Neil'). Serta popularitas Stairway to Heaven di 1960, Calendar Girl, Little Devil, dan hits gila2an taon 62 Breaking Up Is Hard To Do juga Next Door To An Angel.
another side of park avenue
respectable folks don't know, hungry eyes take
in the view, of the world that lays them low.
too many years on a welfare line,
the old song and dance time after time
you can only get so pushed around, until
you wanna tear the damn thing down
respectable folks don't know, hungry eyes take
in the view, of the world that lays them low.
too many years on a welfare line,
the old song and dance time after time
you can only get so pushed around, until
you wanna tear the damn thing down

Seperti kata Leba, bahwa Neil mungkin bukan penyanyi dan musisi terbaik, penulis lagu juga penggubah terbaik. Namun jarang ada artis yg seimbang melakukan semua hal itu secara profesional dan menjadikannya terbaik. Maka seperti halnya Billy Joel, Carole King bahkan duet Lennon/McCartney, Neil Sedaka patut mendapatkan penghargaan terbaik. Hal inilah yg membuatku terkesan saat nonton final American Idol dgn edisi dan tamu khusus Neil Sedaka. Acara itu sekaligus menjadi perayaan 50 taon karir Neil Sedaka dlm berkarya. Menjadi spesial ketika 5 finalis Idol terbaik membawakan berbagai hits Neil dlm format lebih segar dan berkarakter era 2000an.

new york city blues,
in order to win, you gotta lose
old before your time, the dirt and the grime
get into everything .. and the papers love to say
it's the meanest town in the usa, but i think
it's ok .. it's the town i've made my home
in order to win, you gotta lose
old before your time, the dirt and the grime
get into everything .. and the papers love to say
it's the meanest town in the usa, but i think
it's ok .. it's the town i've made my home