You'll Never Walk Alone
Posted: Rabu, 21 Juli 2010 by LAGUPEDIA in Label: american idol, jordin sparks, liverpool, musical, ost, soccer
Hold your head .. up high
And don't be afraid of the dark
At the end of the storm,
There's a golden sky .. and
The sweet, silver song of a lark
Adalah penulis lagu dan komposer Richard Rodgers, bersama Oscar Hammerstein yg membuat naskah musikal berjudul 'Carousel' di taon 1945. Drama musikal yg tragis mengenai sepasang berbeda status, namun dapat diakhiri kebahagiaan saat anak mereka (setelah menjadi yatim) berhasil lulus sekolah. Lagu You'll Never Walk Alone lantas berkumandang saat mengiringi kebahagiaan itu, sekaligus penutup cerita. Kau Tak Pernah (Berjalan) Sendirian, sang anak merengkuh cita-citanya dgn tatapan kedua orangtuanya yg masing2 dari beda dunia. Maka lagu inipun jadi popular serta semacam tradisi acara kelulusan di umumnya sekolah Amerika.

Walk on .. through the wind,
Walk on .. through the rain,
Though your dreams be tossed
And blown ..
Walk on .. through the rain,
Though your dreams be tossed
And blown ..

*Always support the team, no matter how bad they are playing.
If the team is doing badly, cheer even louder as they need your
support more. If a player is struggling, sing his name louder and
more often as he needs it. If the opposition are better side and
perform well, appreciate it and give them credit they are due*
If the team is doing badly, cheer even louder as they need your
support more. If a player is struggling, sing his name louder and
more often as he needs it. If the opposition are better side and
perform well, appreciate it and give them credit they are due*
April 2007, adalah babak yg menegangkan di final American Idol VI. Pada pekan akhir, ada sessi khusus berjudul 'Inspiration Song'. Yakni para peserta harus memilih lagu favorit yg dianggap dapat membangkitkan semangat sekaligus menginspirasi kemenangan. Serta di malam itupun terjadi sejarah baru bagi American Idol, untuk pertama kali gak ada peserta yg gugur. Karena memang bersifat charity, juga penghargaan terhadap tema yg terinspirasi saling support. Nah, salah seorang peserta yg juga termuda (which also won this season's idols at last), memilih untuk membawakan lagu You'll Never Walk Alone. Lagu yg kelak mengantarkannya menjadi juara.

* Simon 'antagonis' Cowell: "You .. and that 60 years-old-song, fantastic .. brilliant"
Walk on .. walk on ..
With hope in your heart,
And you'll never walk alone
You'll never walk .. alone
With hope in your heart,
And you'll never walk alone
You'll never walk .. alone
to leave a note YNWA